Dear Reader,
We’re sooo excited here at Pop-Up Parlour HQ! It’s like all our birthdays rolled into one, only to discover it’s Christmas morning. And to top it all off Santa has left his bulging sack at the end of our bed; bursting with shiny goodness.
But enough of Christmas references already – after all we’re only in May for goodness sake! May happens to be my favourite month… OMG, I now stand on the edge of an ecstatic abyss!
OK, so here’s the scoop. As you will know (if you’ve been following our blog) we’re booked for a couple of festivals this summer. However, Betty and I can only really pull this off if we have a team behind us. Surprisingly enough, it can get rather exhausting running the Pop-Up Photo Parlour for more than 5 hours. Hence we’ve been scratching our heads as to who our dream guest ‘helper outer’ should be.
The position requires certain specialist attributes:
1. Tall
2. Beautiful
3. Sexy
Now, I must point out that I care not for these particular qualities. In fact if I could have it my way I would prefer short, ugly and sexually abhorrent (after all I don’t like to feel upstaged!). Alas, it is not for me to decide but that of our esteemed customers. Hence we must provide. (We’re ever so conscientious you know.)
So, without further ado, we are able to announce with great joy, that we have filled said position. And by jove I think she’s got it! She’s tall, she’s beautiful and she’s indeed rather sexy! She is…
Biddy Bam Bam!!!
I fear she won’t be with us long. It’ll be only a matter of time before the likes of Elite or Storm start sniffing around.
Just remember… you saw her here first!
An excitable,